Dear Friends & Supporters,
Time is moving fast here, and our schedule has been full. We recently travelled to the southern border of Zimbabwe to conduct an eye camp at a citrus estate (this farm is projected to ship 34,000 tons of oranges around the world this year). We were hosted by the owners who were very gracious to us. Traveling with us were two local couples from our church here, and they were astounded at the number of oranges going through the sorting and packing process (4 million a day).
Our work centered on giving the staff an eye examination and determining their needs – glasses, medications, or surgical needs. Every patient received a New Testament Gideon Bible, a gospel tract, and a pair of sunglasses in addition to what Steve determined they needed. All in all, 240 people were seen and treated.
A 35 year old lady was seen; she had a severely crossed left eye with almost no vision. The right eye measured -13.50 (severe nearsightedness). When we gave her a pair of glasses and clip-on sunglasses, she had a total change in her facial appearance with unbridled joy and happiness.
Another lady in her 30’s had a severely turned out right eye. When we saw her, she would not look at us, and was hesitant to let us examine her. The eye misalignment had kept her from being socially active, and had severely dampened her self esteem throughout her whole life. We were able to tell her that God loved her just the way she is, and He wants to give her peace and joy in any state. Then, we told her that we can straighten the eye surgically. Steve made arrangements for her to come up to Bulawayo to have the operation, and she left rejoicing in the wonderful news.
We had so many other encounters, like the man who puts Coca-Cola in his eyes to help them because they are failing (from glaucoma). There are simply too many stories to share.
We also recently welcomed our daughter, son-in-law, and their children’s arrival. They will be with us for several weeks, and will take part in medical ministry and teaching here.
Thank you once again for your continued support in prayer as we continue to use our gifts and talents to help so many who are in such great need.
Steve and Jane Beaty
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