Pray for Rain

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Well, we have been gone now for more than 5 weeks, and time has passed by quickly. So much has happened in our work, ministry and relationships here. Steve has seen so many difficult and tragic cases at the Richard Morris Eye Hospital, the government eye facility. He has led ward rounds, teaching ophthalmologist trainees, interns and medical students. From newborns with gonorrhea in the eyes to severe trauma, he has directed management as best as he can. In many cases, the patients have been unable to procure the medications they need. He has brought medicines from his own supply and given them to be administered. One young boy was admitted with a traumatic cataract. His father had come to visit him, but on the way home he was hit by a car and died. These tragedies are a part of life for so many here. 

Steve has also taught several plastic surgery procedures to his colleagues here in Bulawayo. These skill transfers are the core of our goals here – to empower and pass along what the Lord has given us to share God’s love and to also raise the standard of medical care in Zimbabwe. 

Steve, Jane and two doctor colleagues drove for 3 hours down to a large safari area to conduct an eye camp for the workers at the invitation of the director. They faced temperatures of over 100 degrees as they worked to examine patients and dispense glasses and medicines. At the end of the eye camp, the main nurse in the clinic where the eye camp was held opened his heart up to hear and receive the gospel message. He prayed to receive the Lord and was encouraged in his new faith. The team drove back full of rejoicing at what the Lord did through all that was accomplished, both physically and spiritually. 

We ask that you uplift your prayers for God to send rain here. This country is in the midst of a severe drought, and predictions are for significant food deprivation and possible starvation in the next several months. 

We thank God for what He is doing through us here, and we look forward to continuing to use our talents and skills to open physical and spiritual eyes, and to encourage those with whom we come into contact.

Thank you again for your prayers.

Steve and Jane Beaty

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