Launching Surgical Retina to Bulawayo

Dear Friends and supporters;

We depart for Zimbabwe tomorrow to continue the work and ministry in Bulawayo and in the southern part of Zimbabwe. We will be flying with Ethiopian Airlines (our first time with this carrier, and with a bit of concern on Steve’s part…. Reliability, baggage safety etc.). However, we know that the Father is with us, and He will protect and provide. The advantage of this decision is that we will fly directly into Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and will bypass the issues and problems  that we face in Johannesburg.

Our mission will last 6 weeks, and we have two Australian nurses who will come and work with us. They will give talks to nurses, help us to set up a dedicated operating room for retina surgery, and accompany us as we conduct several eye camps. One of the nurses, Danel, has great experience in assisting retina surgeons in the operating room in Australia. She will be able to teach the local nurses in setting up all of the supplies and instrumentation for retina surgical cases which will be of enormous benefit.

Dr. Matthew West, a retina surgeon in Birmingham, Alabama, will fly over to be the first trainer in our retina surgery training program. He will be teaching Dr. Gilbert Moyo, a local colleague with great surgical talent. We hope that the skills transfer will launch Dr. Moyo’s career in retina surgery. Please pray that Dr. West will receive his philanthropic license before he arrives to teach Dr. Moyo. Dr. West has a long history with us – we took him to Zimbabwe when he was a college student, and now, years later, he’s returning as a sub-specialist in retina surgeon.

Please pray for us also that we will receive the needed equipment in time for the start of the retina surgery program near the last of February, and that this needed service in eye health care will bring about transformative improvements in both care and mentorship programs that we’ve initiated.

Please pray for our safe travels, and that our luggage will also arrive and pass through customs without difficulties. Thank you for being a part of our work and ministry in Africa.

Steve and Jane Beaty

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