Second Retina Shipment

Dear friends and supporters; Another very busy week has gone by. Two Australian eye nurses from the Perth Eye Hospital arrived on Saturday to spend 3 weeks with us as we teach, consult and prepare to start the new surgical retina training service. One of the nurses actually works in surgery where retina procedures are performed. She sets up the equipment and supplies for the cases, and scrubs in with the doctors. Her knowledge is […]

Arrival of Retina shipment

Dear Friends; We have now been in Zimbabwe for 1 week. The flights over were, thankfully, without any difficulties, although our transfer at Addis Abiba airport was quite stressful. We were surprised, but grateful, to see our luggage arrive when we landed in Bulawayo. Steve started back immediately with consultations and teaching. He found that the advanced cataract teaching program has continued in his absence. The fourth group of young eye doctors are now being […]

Launching Surgical Retina to Bulawayo

Dear Friends and supporters; We depart for Zimbabwe tomorrow to continue the work and ministry in Bulawayo and in the southern part of Zimbabwe. We will be flying with Ethiopian Airlines (our first time with this carrier, and with a bit of concern on Steve’s part…. Reliability, baggage safety etc.). However, we know that the Father is with us, and He will protect and provide. The advantage of this decision is that we will fly […]

Sending Equipment

Dear friends of Eyecare To The Needy; We have been quite busy since returning from Zimbabwe 6 weeks ago. As you can see from the pictures that we have attached, we have begun to gather equipment and supplies to ship over to Africa. Steve built this crate to house a very high tech instrument which will be used to perform surgery on the retina in the posterior part of the eye. Earlier this week the […]

New Eye Center Opening

Dear friends of Eyecare To The Needy; It has been another busy couple of weeks here in Zimbabwe. We led another eye camp at a retirement facility, seeing most of the residents and blessing them with medications, glasses, sunglasses and Bibles. These residents are quite poor. One gentleman told Steve that his monthly income is $150, and $105 goes towards the rental of his little room. The balance is used to buy a little food, […]

Blessings of New Eyesight

August 10, 2024 Dear Friends of Eyecare To The Needy; It’s so good to write and tell you more that has happened with our work and ministry these last 2 weeks here in Zimbabwe. Since we last communicated with you, we have conducted 3 eye camps. From these eye camps, we have seen 550 patients and Jane has distributed around 450 pairs of glasses. Steve was also involved in a surgical eye camp led by […]

Sight Restored

Dear Friends of Eyecare To The Needy; Another week has gone by, and opportunities and challenges have come as is typical in a third world country. Steve travelled with 2 other doctors on a 5 hour journey to the southern part of Zimbabwe. The area of Neshura has had no eye services for several years, and many patients had been screened for cataract surgery. They were brought to the hospital by small buses and cars, […]

Work Continues

Dear Supporters of Eyecare To The Needy; Greetings again from here in Zimbabwe where we rejoice in God’s protection and provision. We said goodbye to the twelve tennis players and coaches from Athletes in Action last Thursday. We drove them from Bulawayo to the Victoria Falls, normally a five hour drive, but now is a seven hour ordeal. The road has been torn up by trans-Africa trucks, and potholes now dominate the journey, making it […]

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