Hello, all Friends and Supporters; It’s been quite an exciting, and also somewhat stressful period since leaving the US just over a week ago. Firstly, our flight from Paris to Johannesburg was delayed because of the weather, and we missed our flight to Bulawayo that morning. Steve counted a total of 18 hurdles for us from the time of disembarkation from Air France to our new flight to Bulawayo that left later that day. But […]
Dear Friends and Supporters; We are preparing and packing to return to Zimbabwe next week, and we leave with great anticipation in this next chapter in the work and ministry in a country with so many who are in great need, both physically and spiritually. This trip will have us hosting a team of 12 tennis players and coaches from Athletes in Action. They will hold teaching clinics at schools and will share the Good […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We’ve come to the end of another chapter in our journey of ministry and work in Zimbabwe. Since our last communication, we’ve had the opportunity with our local partners to lead another eye camp located in probably the poorest shanty area around Bulawayo. The people there are now in their third generation of living in shacks made of cardboard, wood and pieces of tin. The men make their livelihood by panning for […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, Well, we have been gone now for more than 5 weeks, and time has passed by quickly. So much has happened in our work, ministry and relationships here. Steve has seen so many difficult and tragic cases at the Richard Morris Eye Hospital, the government eye facility. He has led ward rounds, teaching ophthalmologist trainees, interns and medical students. From newborns with gonorrhea in the eyes to severe trauma, he has […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We had several more busy weeks here in Zimbabwe, having recently travelled out to a rural farm area about 60 miles from the city of Bulawayo. Here we teamed up with Rev. Jeff Scorziell to hold an eye clinic/eye camp at a local rural clinic. The people who live in that area are quite poor, and now that rains have not come to Zimbabwe there will be food deprivation and possible […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, Once again, thank you for your prayers. We have had a busy couple weeks of ministry. And, as always, new issues and opportunities presented themselves. We discovered a termite infestation in the ceilings of our house. The contractors first came to tear out the offending areas. Then the pest control company came and fumigated the whole house – we had dust and debris scattered throughout the house, but they’ve repaired all […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We have been in Zimbabwe for two weeks and have recovered from that long journey and 7 hour time change. Last week we finally had a full night’s sleep without waking up at all hours – it was so refreshing! When we arrived, we had no electricity, and that first night was very hot with mosquitos enjoying their blood dinners at our expense. Fortunately, after a couple of days, we were […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We recently departed the states and arrived in Zimbabwe for another chapter of our ministry in Southern Africa. As always, we are excited to continue to mentor, teach and empower our local colleagues, and also give of the talents and gifts that God has given us to bring physical and spiritual eyesight to many in need. Some of you know that we are also embarking on a new project to equip […]