Category Archive for ‘Blog’

Heading Back to Beauty

Dear Friends & Supporters, As we prepare to depart on another mission to Zimbabwe, Africa, we also rejoice in a short trip we took to Jamaica last weekend with a team from Dublin, Georgia to assist in eye surgery. There was a backlog of 35 patients needing cataract operations, and we flew down to spend two days in the operating room with them. It was a joy to see the expressions of delight as the […]

  • Quentin now walking
  • Teaching
  • Teaching
  • Eye Camp
  • Thankful to see the Doctor

Zimbabwe Praises

Dear Friends and Supporters, Having recently returned from Zimbabwe, we thank God and look back with joy over what happened during our stay there. We also rejoice in remembering the lives of people who were impacted by the work and attention that they received in their physical and spiritual eyesight. One of our memorable patients whose life was greatly affected was a 41 year old man who is the breadwinner for his extended family. He […]

  • Receiving eyeglasses and a plastic storage bag
  • Don Asbell (Eyecare board member) checking vision and pupils at the eye camp
  • Charlie and Steve working together
  • Don and Carolyn giving out eyeglasses
  • Waiting to have their eyes examined
  • Carolyn reading to the grade 4's
  • Victoria Falls
  • Victoria Falls
  • Surgery
  • Giving a presentation

Serving Together

Dear Friends and Supporters, Time is passing by rapidly here as we work and minister to the people of Zimbabwe. We will be saying goodbye to our friends from the US who have worked with us these last two weeks. Dr. Charles Calhoun and Don and Carolyn Asbell have enriched our lives here so much as well as the many whom they have served. During their time here, Dr. Calhoun and Steve travelled to the […]

Arrival and Update

Hello Friends, We want to share a short update on our trip thus far. We arrived without difficulty except for our jet lag… for some reason, this time has been hard. Steve has jumped right into seeing patients at the government hospital and teaching. We received a wonderful report since arriving. Back in March, Steve performed bilateral cataract surgery on a 3 year old boy who was not walking. Today, he is WALKING everywhere with his new […]

Ready to Return

Greetings from Columbus, GA! As we prepare for our return to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe this week, we thought we would jump start our newsletter before we left America. We plan on being in Zimbabwe for 6 weeks, beginning July 15th, and will welcome Dr. Charles Calhoun along with dear friends, Mr. and Mrs. Don Asbell, on Sunday, July  23rd for 16 days.  Steve and Dr. Calhoun will travel across the country to attend and to give […]

A Team Effort

Dear Friends and Supporters, Well, this correspondence has taken longer to write, and our apologies for its delay. We have had a very full and intense last couple of weeks in Zimbabwe as we ministered and worked with friends and colleagues in the care of many needy patients. Firstly, the shipment of shoeboxes for children, the medical equipment, and medical textbooks in the 20-foot container that left the US in December was finally cleared by […]

Rainy Zimbabwe and Fruitful Ministry

It is amazing how time flies! As we sent out our last newsletter, we shared about preparing for a surgical eye-camp down in Beit Bridge, a 4-hour drive from Bulawayo. Unfortunately, because of continued heavy rains particularly in that area the day we arrived, patients were unable to cross rivers or assess their walking paths, thus we only saw 19 patients, and performed 1 operation. Although some folks might say that was a wasted trip […]

Welcome to RAINY Zimbabwe

  Friends and Supporters, Well, we had written a note to tell you of our upcoming mission to Zimbabwe. It was drafted just before we flew out, but accidently left at home. So, here we are in Zimbabwe, having arrived just a few days ago after a long, thankfully uneventful journey to Bulawayo. Our arrival was met by rain from a tropical storm that hit Mozambique,  displacing 150,000 people and dumping over 5 inches here […]

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