Dear Friends and Supporters, We are traveling with a team of 14 people down to Rio De Janeiro on a medical mission from our church here in Birmingham. (Steve talked Jane into coming along – she will be the optical dispenser). We look forward to joining up with dentists and other medical doctors to serve the people in a very poor part of the city. We will be driving up into the Barros (slums) where […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We arrived back into the US several weeks ago after 3 flights and a long 37 hour journey. Why is it, as we age, these journeys seem to be more arduous, and we are more weary when they are completed? I believe this is one of those issues in our lives that is universal – we are not as strong and resilient as we once were. But, we are filled with […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We are starting to wind things down here with our work in Zimbabwe. We are due to fly out soon, but there is still much to do and accomplish. In the past two weeks we held an eye camp at an Anglican girls high school about an hour and a half from the city of Bulawayo along a road littered with potholes, great and small. We arrived to a warm welcome […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, Since we shared our last blog, our schedule has ramped up and we are very busy with work and ministry here in Zimbabwe. Steve has continued his teaching in surgery with three younger doctors, but has found that the original two doctors he trained are now mentoring this next group. He watched as Dr. Moyo and Dr. Malemane assisted and intervened to successfully perform surgery on several patients by these young […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We have now been in Zimbabwe for a couple weeks. The jet lag is finally gone, we were able to unload a delivered crate, and we are in the midst of work and ministry including low vision support groups. Steve has been consulting at the local Catholic hospital and also working and teaching at the regional government eye hospital, Richard Morris Hospital. Today Steve helped in surgery as the doctors’ team […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We arrived in Bulawayo about a week ago after a long 37-hour journey from the United States. The hardest part of long-distance traveling is jet lag, which is still disrupting our sleep habits. With an 8-hour time change, our days and nights have been mixed up. However, Steve has already had 4 meetings in preparation to start clinical activities for the trip. He has scheduled 4 tentative rural eye camps, lectures […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, Greetings and a very Happy and Blessed New Year to you. We hope and pray that 2022 brings peace and prosperity to you. We are grateful to God that in 2021 we were still able to accomplish much in our work in Zimbabwe. We had the privilege of bringing several doctor groups together in a cooperative effort to bring more accessible eye care to the population of the southern part of […]
Dear Friends and Supporters, We have arrived back in the US after a long 33 hour journey back home. As we look back upon our time of work and ministry in Zimbabwe we thank God for leading us and using us in so many ways. The COVID pandemic has hit Zimbabwe quite hard, and in our circle of friends and acquaintances in Bulawayo, we knew of five people who passed away from complications of the […]