Category Archive for ‘Blog’

Mercy and Healing

Dear Friends and Supporters, Once again, we write to you from Zimbabwe where we continue the Lord’s work and ministry here. Firstly, the COVID pandemic is still foremost in the daily aspects of life here. We must wear masks when leaving the house, social distancing is mandated, and the curfew here is in place with police roadblocks around the city to enforce the rules. In fact, the police have sent out trucks to pick up […]

The Next Generation

Dear Friends and Supporters, It’s been a busy and full two weeks since we shared an update, and we rejoice for all that we have been able to accomplish in spite of the issues with COVID here in this needy environment where we are called to serve. Steve is continuing filling his days with consulting, teaching, and mentoring a new generation of doctors. He has been teaching surgical techniques to three eager young training ophthalmologists at […]

More To Do

Dear Friends and Supporters, We have been in Bulawayo for a week, and are very thankful for a smooth journey, although it took 37 hours to finally arrive at the Bulawayo airport. We are thankful the entry process went smoothly. We were able to meet a very pleasant official who inquired about our trip and completed our entry. The possibilities of quarantine and other barriers to enter Zimbabwe because of COVID were a non-issue, and […]

On the Ground

Dear Friends and Supporters, We have arrived in Zimbabwe and thank you for your prayers for safety and comfort during the long 37 hours of flights and layovers. In the last 3 weeks, the lockdowns in Southern Africa have tightened, and we face the issues of COVID once again with a curfew, stores closing early by 3pm, and mandatory masks when one leaves their residence with threats of fines and/or imprisonment. We had also heard […]

Back in Action

Dear Friends and Supporters, Well, 2021 is moving fast, and we have been working on our return to Zimbabwe to continue the work and ministry for the people who have desperate healthcare needs. With COVID still present in the world, we are monitoring issues and barriers that will impact our travel plans. Zimbabwe just this week implemented another lockdown with restrictions on commerce and meetings, as well as mandatory mask wearing in public. But, just […]

Closing Another Chapter

Dear Friends and Supporters, These last two months of work and ministry have drawn to a close. As we look back on what God has done, we are amazed and grateful for the many ways He used our work to bless people in Zimbabwe. We did have concerns and hesitations about making this latest venture with the COVID pandemic, especially into a place with poor health care and with several encouraging us to be cautious. […]

Road to Joy

Dear Friends and Supporters, We continue to serve here in Zimbabwe, using our gifts and skills as God opens doors for us. Last week Steve lectured 4 hours to the senior medical students about clinical issues in eye care. He also gave a practical experience to the students letting them use his equipment to examine each others’ optic nerves and retinas. None of the students had ever seen the back of the eye, and were […]

Grateful to Share

Dear Friends and Supporters, We have been in Zimbabwe four weeks, and this time around we’ve encountered very different experiences compared to our previous visits. With the worldwide COVID pandemic, most governments have mandated different rules for their citizens. Zimbabwe is also following quite strict rules to try and combat this virus. When we arrived four weeks ago a lockdown was in force, there was a curfew from 6pm to 6am, businesses were required to […]

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