Hope Restored

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Once again, thank you for your prayers. We have had a busy couple weeks of ministry. And, as always, new issues and opportunities presented themselves. 

We discovered a termite infestation in the ceilings of our house. The contractors first came to tear out the offending areas. Then the pest control company came and fumigated the whole house – we had dust and debris scattered throughout the house, but they’ve repaired all that was torn out, and we are almost back to a normal homeplace. During all of this, our caretaker, Sarah, was removing bath mats from the bathtub only to have a snake rise up out of the drain. She quickly turned on the hot water, and then closed up the drain as it disappeared back down the drain. Well, this is Africa…

Steve consulted and saw many patients to whom he was able to give assistance and comfort; two ladies with severe diabetic eye damage required extensive laser treatments which he performed. He also attended in the operating room at the Richard Morris Eye Hospital, and was affirmed and delighted to observe the third group of trainees successfully performing advanced cataract surgery. 

Through a friend, Jane learned of a man who had been fishing in the Limpopo river and was snatched into the water by a crocodile. Amazingly, he survived by thrusting his arm down the crocodile’s mouth. It let him go, but his foot was so badly mangled that it was amputated. Jane was able to help locate a rehabilitation facility here in Bulawayo where prosthetics are fitted. She accompanied the man, and they will fit him with a new prosthesis this coming week, enabling him to walk again.

Jane sent out a request on Facebook, and folks responded by giving all of the money needed to have this new prosthetic lower limb fitted. “He will walk out of our building without crutches next Friday”, the orthotist told Jane. From despair to joy – God showed grace to this man who is married with 3 children, and he can now return to his job.

Our hearts are full as we continue the work and ministry here. We look forward to telling you more of the great things God is doing here in our next correspondence to you.

Blessings to you,

Steve and Jane Beaty

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