Cold Nights & Full Hearts

Dear Friends and Supporters, We rejoice in all that has happened since we last wrote to you. Jane arrived without any difficulties or problems in her journey over, although two nights in an airplane took its toll, and she was worn out when she arrived in Bulawayo. Steve was grateful and so very pleased to see her on this side of the Atlantic where the cold weather has persisted at night, and the water has […]

Like Father, Like Son

Dear Friends and Supporters, It’s COLD here in Zimbabwe and is the middle of the winter season. Steve arrived a week ago, and to keep warm at night, he slept under 4 blankets with a hot water bottle and a beanie on his head. He also missed Jane, who only arrived recently from the States. Unfortunately for her, when she was waiting for her baggage to appear in the claim area, she and the other […]

In This Together

Dear Friends and Supporters, We have been making preparations for our next trip back to Zimbabwe. Steve is flying out this week and Jane will follow a week later due to commitments. Much has transpired since our last communication with you – we sent over two shipments of supplies to augment the capabilities of the eye services in southern Zimbabwe. Contained in these crates are an operating microscope, rolling operating room bed, several very delicate […]

Every Day Issues

Dear Friends & Supporters, More weeks have passed and we now have been in Zimbabwe for more than 5 weeks. Steve has continued his role in teaching and mentoring. He has been giving talks on different eye diseases every Wednesday morning to the doctors at Richard Morris Eye Hospital. In addition, he has been teaching medical students, both in the hospital setting and also at the NUST Medical School in a classroom setting. He also […]

Eyes and Hearts

Dear Friends and Supporters, We continue to be very busy in work and ministry here in Zimbabwe. Steve has seen a number of complex eye issues in his consulting practice and has been able to help many who have come with concerns about the loss of eyesight. He saw a gentleman a couple weeks ago who had diminished vision from a clouded capsule behind the his intraocular lens after cataract surgery. He was able to […]

Lifting Spirits

Dear Friends and Supporters, We landed in Zimbabwe a couple weeks ago after that long flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg and overnighting with some good friends in Pretoria, South Africa. When we arrived the next day in Bulawayo, none of our four checked suitcases arrived. So, our friend, Warren King, drove us to our home, and when the next flight arrived later that afternoon, we were notified that our luggage had arrived. We thank God […]

Returning to Care

Dear Friends and Supporters, In the next week we will be flying back to Zimbabwe for more than 6 weeks. We look forward with anticipation to interacting with those who will be impacted as we continue our work and ministry. Steve has already contacted 7 doctors who have expressed their wishes for him to train them in different areas of patient management, both surgical and otherwise. He will spend time with them at the Richard Morris […]

New Cultures

Dear Friends and Supporters, We arrived back in the US about a week ago to end a very rewarding and productive trip to both Zimbabwe and Kenya. As we had mentioned before, we had been asked to conduct a pilot project in Kenya to determine if a ministry in East Africa is also something that God is leading. We arrived in Nairobi to stay at a conference center called Brackenhurst outside the city and near […]

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