Category Archive for ‘Blog’

Returning to Care

Dear Friends and Supporters, In the next week we will be flying back to Zimbabwe for more than 6 weeks. We look forward with anticipation to interacting with those who will be impacted as we continue our work and ministry. Steve has already contacted 7 doctors who have expressed their wishes for him to train them in different areas of patient management, both surgical and otherwise. He will spend time with them at the Richard Morris […]

New Cultures

Dear Friends and Supporters, We arrived back in the US about a week ago to end a very rewarding and productive trip to both Zimbabwe and Kenya. As we had mentioned before, we had been asked to conduct a pilot project in Kenya to determine if a ministry in East Africa is also something that God is leading. We arrived in Nairobi to stay at a conference center called Brackenhurst outside the city and near […]

Kenya Bound

Dear Friends and Supporters, Well, last week we spent our last day in Zimbabwe for this year. We have flown up to Kenya to teach and do eye camps in a pilot project. As we look back upon these almost 7 weeks in Zimbabwe, we are filled with joy and gladness in what God has done through us. During this last week and a half, we conducted 4 eye camps and saw over 500 patients. […]


Dear Friends and Supporters, We continue to see great and wonderful things as we work and minister here. We have been in Zimbabwe for over a month now, and our schedule remains busy as we encounter the great needs of the people. Steve has been teaching at the Richard Morris Eye Hospital, and this trip he also had a new and wonderful event in his career. Our daughter, Rebekah, her husband and children joined us […]

Seeing the Truth

Dear Friends & Supporters, Time is moving fast here, and our schedule has been full. We recently travelled to the southern border of Zimbabwe to conduct an eye camp at a citrus estate (this farm is projected to ship 34,000 tons of oranges around the world this year). We were hosted by the owners who were very gracious to us. Traveling with us were two local couples from our church here, and they were astounded […]

Be Light

Dear Friends and Supporters, We arrived in Zimbabwe several weeks ago after the long and tiring journey, and are now busy consulting at the Mater Dei Hospital, as well as teaching at the Richard Morris Eye Hospital in Bulawayo. Our journey over to Zimbabwe was actually very smooth – it started out with a wonderful blessing in the form of a Delta Air Lines check-in lady in Atlanta. She checked our luggage all the way […]

Heeding His Call

Dear Friends and Supporters, Well, it’s time again for us to head back to Africa and continue the work and ministry to which we have been called. We will be boarding the long 16 hour flight on Delta Air Lines to Johannesburg, staying the night and taking another plane up to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe the next day to face immigration and customs at the airport. Even after all of these years of service, we are required […]

Returned From Rio

Dear Friends and Supporters, We have recently returned from our mission to Brazil and completed our long, all night flight home from Rio De Janeiro. In spite of the travel discomforts though, we are overjoyed, and our hearts are full at what God did through us on this medical mission. Our team consisted of 5 doctors including Steve, 2 dentists, and 6 others who assisted the doctors and dentists, ran the pharmacy, and witnessed to […]

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