Wrapping Up

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We have been in Zimbabwe for one month, and it has been a busy but very fulfilling trip. We said goodbye to the US team from Columbus, Georgia last Saturday after taking them to the Hwange National Park and Victoria Falls for a couple of days. They all expressed their thankfulness to God for such a fulfilling time of ministry and work. We have heard from several people here in Bulawayo that the team made a great impact on their children as they participated in the Bible clubs that the team presented and led. One parent asked when they would be returning so that she could encourage her children in anticipation of another visit by the Columbus team. 

Steve and Jane took another team to the southern part of Zimbabwe to conduct an eye camp at a citrus farm that exports over 30,000 tons of oranges worldwide. They saw over 200 patients, and had the privilege of sharing their faith with a group of farmers who had come one evening to meet and have dinner. The team also gave encouragement to the owners of the estate and their wives. 

As our time here begins to wind down, we thank our heavenly Father for His protection and provision over us. We’ve had cold weather for most of our visit here, and we look forward to the warmer skies over the next couple of weeks when spring over here starts up. Steve is spending his last week consulting at the Mater Dei Hospital, and will teach at the Richard Morris Hospital one last time two days before we depart. 

We have a close friend, Dr. Gordon Fort, who arrived three days ago. He has come to be the guest speaker at the Zimbabwe Baptist Union Annual conference, and has already led in two challenging sessions. He was born in Zimbabwe, and grew up here, so he has an intimate knowledge of the culture and needs, both physical and spiritual, in his audience. We expect great things to come from the meeting, with hearts changed and a new participant zeal for their churches. 

Again, we covet and appreciate your prayers as we near the end of our time here. There are great things ahead with the opening of a brand new eye center dedicated to a higher level of patient care. This will probably occur in March, 2024. We look forward to being involved in launching this new venture. 

Thank you once again for your support and prayers for us.

Steve and Jane Beaty

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